Monday, January 2, 2012

Wise Advice, Look At Your Life Like It Is An Experiment!

Wise advice, Look at your life like it is an experiment,
try anything and everything that is good or good news. 
Try everything as an experiment and keep trying new 
experiments. This keeps you open and always doing 
something new or something that worked before
in your experimentation process. Look at the big picture 
and realize that the time will pass no matter what 
you are doing. If you keep doing the same things
you are currently doing, then you can expect the 
same results. As you go for your visions, dreams,
and goals you can see that you have nothing better 
to do with any time that you can find. Trying these experiments 
that are actually baby steps to get you closer to 
your bliss. This big picture perception process is 
brilliant because it tricks you into expanding your 
awareness and moving you in the direction of creating
your life of bliss and creating your legacy.   For example, go to Google
search and Search “Conscious Awareness Vibration,” 
you see a video of me there on the first page! Now Google,
"Brady Lee!" WOW! Cool right, did you know you can do this or
do anything, I MEAN ANYTHING as long 
as you learn to follow your bliss and do it with persistence 
and ease. When we think of a master, the thing we
really admire and in them is the ease they have 
acquired in their art.

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