Thursday, December 29, 2011

Technology For The Greater Good!

Technology is going to be a greater and greater 
force for the good. More and more inappropriate, 
desperate, angered, violent behavior can easily 
be caught on film and people are forced into breaking 
the pattern. It is truth that we are and always have 
been watched from those before us and those coming 
after us. The angles are here with us and nothing
is hidden, more and more is coming to light. Miracles 
happen daily, the truth is flashed before our very 
eyes every moment of every day. The veil between us
and source energy is getting thinner and thinner. We 
have access to the truth and awareness in different 
ways than we have ever encountered before. Now 
is the time to awaken to that inner most being of 
who you really are and follow that inner guidance 
to manifest a world of Peace, Serenity, Joy, Love, 
and Happiness. More and more of your brothers 
and sisters are awakening to the disconnect from 
source energy. Source energy is calling; you don’t 
have to open the door to let it in, you have to 
become aware that you are already in the room.

Brady Lee

YouTube Search -Brady Lee
Google - Brady Lee
You Say, "I don't do it for you, I do it for me!"

Source Energy Is Calling!

Source energy is calling;

you don’t have to open the 
door to let it in, you have to
become aware that you 
are already in the room.   

Brady Lee

YouTube Search -Brady Lee
Google - Brady Lee
You Say, "I don't do it for you, I do it for me!"

Wellness comes from being in alignment with source energy.

Wellness comes from being in alignment with source energy.

You know you are in alignment with source energy from the
emotions and feelings coursing through the veins and the fibers
of your being. Illness comes from unawareness of basking in
alignment with the opposite of source energy. Source energy
with faith, study, practices, and allowing it, can heal every
human illness in a blink or a flash. Source energy is the
ultimate healer and as you allow it to flow through you,
all is well, all physical defects are well.

Brady Lee

Google - Brady Lee
YouTube Search - Brady Lee
You Say, "I don't do it for you, I do it for me!"

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The Subconscious Mind (Images) - Brady Lee

The Subconscious Mind - Brady Lee - Images The Power Of The Mind The Power Of Images We Think In Images Become Aware Of Your Images Become A Big Ship Cruising Along Nothing Can Stop You Dreams Keep The Big Picture In Mind Vision Life By Design Keep The End In Mind Dream Big Train Your Mind Daily Feed Your Mind Truth Love Wisdom

Business Cycles - Brady Lee

Business Cycles - Brady Lee Crash Growth Expansion Slow Down Fast Truly Powerful People Life By Design Truth Everlasting Images Big Picture Thinking Keeping The End In Mind Creative Lasting Unique No One Will Do It Just Like You

Affirmations - How to - The Truth (Brady Lee) (Robbins) (Proctor) (Chopra) (Dyer) (Hill) (Allen)

(Affirmations) (How to) (The Truth) (Brady Lee) Affirmations - How to - The Truth Secret Abundance growth self help prayer faith goals dreams plans (Robbins) (Proctor) (Chopra) (Dyer) (Hill) (Allen)

How To Develop Self Esteem - Brady Lee (Robbins) (Proctor) (Chopra) (Dyer) (Hill) (Allen)

How To Develop Self Esteem - Brady Lee (Robbins) (Proctor) (Chopra) (Dyer) (Hill) (Allen)

Bob Proctor and Brady Lee

Bob Proctor and Brady Lee. The second time you read, watch, or listen to the same book, video, or recording, You find something new inside Yourself! That is right, something new in you. The Book, Video, or Recording was exactly the Same.

Hilary Weeks and Her Positive Clicker -Brady Lee

Hilary Weeks and Her Positive Clicker -Brady Lee

Monday, December 19, 2011

The Subconscious Mind (Images) - Brady Lee

The Subconscious Mind - Brady Lee - Images The Power Of The Mind The Power Of Images We Think In Images Become Aware Of Your Images Become A Big Ship Cruising Along Nothing Can Stop You Dreams Keep The Big Picture In Mind Vision Life By Design Keep The End In Mind Dream Big Train Your Mind Daily Feed Your Mind Truth Love Wisdom

The Subconscious Mind - Brady Lee - Images

The Subconscious Mind - Brady Lee - Images The Power Of The Mind The Power Of Images We Think In Images Become Aware Of Your Images Become A Big Ship Cruising Along Nothing Can Stop You Dreams Keep The Big Picture In Mind Vision Life By Design Keep The End In Mind Dream Big Train Your Mind Daily Feed Your Mind Truth Love Wisdom

Business Cycles - Brady Lee

Business Cycles - Brady Lee Crash Growth Expansion Slow Down Fast Truly Powerful People Life By Design Truth Everlasting Images Big Picture Thinking Keeping The End In Mind Creative Lasting Unique No One Will Do It Just Like You

Bob Proctor and Brady Lee

Bob Proctor and Brady Lee. The second time you read, watch, or listen to the same book, video, or recording, You find something new inside Yourself! That is right, something new in you. The Book, Video, or Recording was exactly the Same.

How To Develop Self Esteem - Brady Lee (Robbins) (Proctor) (Chopra) (Dyer) (Hill) (Allen)

How To Develop Self Esteem - Brady Lee (Robbins) (Proctor) (Chopra) (Dyer) (Hill) (Allen)

Affirmations - How to - The Truth (Brady Lee) (Robbins) (Proctor) (Chopra) (Dyer) (Hill) (Allen)

(Affirmations) (How to) (The Truth) (Brady Lee) Affirmations - How to - The Truth Secret Abundance growth self help prayer faith goals dreams plans (Robbins) (Proctor) (Chopra) (Dyer) (Hill) (Allen)

TO DE PAUDURO - ParĂ³dia Danza Kuduro and Brady Lee, Love, Gratitude, Greatness, Dreams, Goals, Plans and Vision for Life

Greatness is with-in all of us. Yes you!

Be Great today!

Do something to make other lives better!

That which you do to or for another you do to or for yourself.

Make your Plan NOW.

Today! Love, Gratitude, Greatness, Dreams, Goals, Plans and Vision for Life + Love, Dreams and Consciousness

Love, Dreams and Consciousness

Ken Robinson says schools kill creativity and Brady Lee

Chris Anderson: How YouTube is driving innovation and Brady Lee

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Affirmations - How to - The Truth (Brady Lee)

THE TROLL RETURNS - Ray William Johnson video and Brady Lee Tool

Emotions come from thoughts that came from experience- let go and come to a new found understanding of your emotional life. Emotions are like thoughts; they are back and forth form positive to negative all day long every day until you are aware of this. This new awareness now gives you the power to recognize your emotional sate. Each moment though out your day you can continuously work on getting the emotion over to the positive side by consciously observing your thoughts.

Awareness, ask yourself how am I feeling right now and then you'll know if you can work on your thoughts causing any such positive or negative feeling. All feelings come from your thoughts. 
I did this exercise and I can see that many of you can benefit greatly for doing it so here it is:
Take out a sheet of paper.
Write down on the left side all the negative emotions you have felt in the last week.
Next, write down on the right side all the positive emotions you have felt in the past week.
If you are like the majority and me, the list on the left was long and filled with all kinds of creative negative emotions put into words.  Then over on the right there were 4 or 5 of the positive emotion that have been felt and experienced over the last week, AHH, now we see why the emotional state is mostly negative because 4 or 5 good freaking feelings in a week is total unawareness and total loss of control of ones thinking and emotional state.  Now to finish the exercise go ahead and write all the positive emotions you can think off and then go and find new positive emotion words so that our focus and awareness will begin to open to more and more positive emotions, that are just as abundant as the opposite. We truly get what we are focused on.
Here is a few: try these: try all of these every day and do them today!
Amazing |Awesome| Fantastic| Incredible |Champion |Fabulous| Beautiful| Fascination| Super Star| Rock Star| Nice Job| Good Work| Wahoo| Gorgeous| Healthy | Young |Glamorous| Yeah Buddy | Leader|  Yes I Can| Easy | Relaxed | Simple | Fun | Fast | Good | Great | Better | Best | Blissfully       
The more aware you become of your emotional state and except and totally own the idea that you create your happiness, you create your emotional world, and you create each of your experience shaped by the emotions you are letting yourself feel. Let go of the past and the way you felt about people, things, or experiences because you created those experiences and emotional around them totally unaware of how you were using you own thoughts and emotions. You can choose to replay your memories with your new awareness and see how you failed in using your emotional control by becoming aware of it.

YouTube Challenge - I Gave My Kids a Terrible Present and Brady Lee - Everything is not a Miracle

You are alive and it is a magical miracle taking place right before our very eyes just to be alive and for you to be reading these very words. Think about the miracle taking place just for you to read these words and take them in and somehow you understand what I am talking about. 
You see with your eyes this page with alphabetical characters on it that you have been trained in making words from the different sounds of these alphabetical characters.  Conditioned in from an early age, so you now see those with your eyes and you make words that have relation to all the other linguistic representations that you have been storing in your mind as memories.  In words on it and because you are trained and conditioned to comprehend the characters of the alphabet you can and are able to make meaning out of the complied alphabet characters that I have typed here for your eyes. Take them in and the miracle takes place in your brain to attach meaning.   

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

T.H.E. (The Hardest Ever) and Brady Lee - Words Impressed upon your subconscious mind

The new definition of these words must be impressed upon your subconscious mind with your conscious mind, you must turn these into affirmations and incantations and say them for the rest of your life.

Fear + New meaning +False Evidence Appearing Real FEAR; There is nothing to be fearful of besides the fear itself. If you feel fear, then do that thing witch you fear. This also means you are expanding your comfort zone and growing be pushing the outer limits of your comfort zone. If you never feel fears then you are likely not growing, learn to master your mind, body, and emotions so that you can push through your FEAR. Condition your Mind, Body, and Emotions to get you to do all that you Fear.
Frustration + New meaning + Fascination, WOW that was Awesome!

Rejection + New meaning + Objection, they are only objections, go ask someone else. 65% of people will say no 5 times before saying yes. Always ask again, again, again, again, again, and one more time! Yahoo

No + New meaning + ON, when someone says No they are really saying they are On to learning or listing to more. They are On to you asking them more questions so that they understand enough information in order to give that Yes answer.

Failure + New meaning + Test, This is your test to see if you are ready to go the next level, if you don’t pass the test retake the test until you pass it. Failure is the middle part to your inspiring story; I have never heard an inspiring story that did not have a hard part in it. Failure gives you the power to inspire other people. Failure is set back, it is always a set up for your come back.

Set back + New Meaning + Set up, Every set back is a set up for your come back. You now have the experience to come back stronger and better, all your set-backs are setups for your come back and you are coming back!

News/Media + New Meaning + THE BAD NEWS, News brought to us by the media is mostly THE BAD NEWS, this is ok, we just need to know what it is and choose to limit our exposure to it!  We also know there is the GOOD NEWS; I am bringing it to you, some of the GOOD NEWS! You have the choice to find the GOOD NEWS, it is out there and you can find it when you choose to seek after it.

Dude, That SUCKS!: Impractical Jokers and The Everlasting Love by Brady Lee

Do you remember the time when I looked at the previous weeks work schedule and you called me for 2 hours to make sure I was ok…….
You laughed with me ;)
Do you remember the plane ride that we went on and I could hardly walk?
You were there with a wheel chair ;)
Do you remember the time in traffic when I swerved in front of you and cut you off…………..
You smiled at me; you waved at me and said “WOW, what a great swerve ;)
Do you remember the time I was sick and laid at rest………..
You were there; you sat with me, you held my hand ;)
Do you remember me selling the last of my old rusty tools at the laundry mat???
You were there, you said to keep my tools and with a smile on your face handed me a $20 ;)
Do you remember when I was young and my front tooth had been chipped off. My self-confidence was low and my smile hardly ever showed.
You took me to your office and said don’t worry I can fix your tooth and It’s free!  
Do you remember it was only our second time out? You saw my phone and how I have worn it out.
You found me a new one in the blink of an eye and when I asked how much I owe you, you smiled and said. It’s free, it’s on me! ;)
With all the family home for visit, it was my surprise as I arrived very late that night to find everyone asleep and you on the couch. The note on the door read….
We tried to wait up for you dear, we’re glad you’re here.
I had just finished my first cancer treatment and my cell battery was completely shot.  I had little money and wanted so badly to be in reach of my young children on my cell.
You were at the mall and immediately understood my need, No longer offered for price; you freely gave me your 0own battery from you no longer in use blackberry ;)
Do you remember the time that I startled you as you were getting into your car at the market?
You so freely gave me your time and energy. The jump start that will never be forgotten, Thank you for your radiant Smile ;)
I knew I was taking a risk driving on these tires, there was very little tread. The day came, the air was out, the tire was flat, and I was stranded there wondering now what?
You spotted me, you pulled over, and with a sparkle in your eye you freely gave your own spare tire from under your car.
I’ll never forget the words you spoke; you said “All I ask is that you find a way to pay it forward someday”
Without fail we rise each morning to use so freely our warm waterfall…..
Your waterfall is always heated to perfection without fail, Gratitude and thankfulness rushes in as I remember not all have this magical waterfall ;)
It’s a magical place; I don’t know how they do it. It’s clean, it’s neat, and it’s always full.  It’s like the biggest indoor garden I have ever seen and it get better, they have one on every corner.  The magic that takes place to fill the market will forever be a deep steep ocean of gratitude and thankfulness.
Your hands can be found in every city and every town, your hands are the magic filling the market.

Shit Girls Say - Episode 1 and The Bad News, Crises and Fear! Life Coach

After reading some of the news headlines for about 30 minutes, the thought came across my mind that the news media loves Crises and Fear! 99% of the stories they cover are ones that produce thoughts that lead to a negative emotion. Once your negative emotional pain body is activated, you read from one bad news to the next bad news.  As you read your negative emotions get stronger and stronger and the feeling grows with the negative words that you are reading.   The News/Media should be Called THE BAD NEWS.  What I’m teaching and sharing is the GOOD NEWS! There is good news you just have to start to choose to look for it, read it, think about it and then live a life full of good news.

Words! Your words will create you or your words will destroy you! Treat yourself like you would treat your young precious child. Use the same internal dialog and say the same loving kind words to yourself that you would say to your most dear babies. 

This is what I know; your words bring to you the exact thing that you speak. Become more and more aware of your words and choose them carefully.  Become more and more aware of your internal dialog, the words in your thoughts and begin to make them all work together for your good. When you catch yourself with a negative word or negative thought use the cancel, cancel, and cancel technique.

This technique was taught to me and it works extremely well if you are aware of it and apply it in the moment. As you catch the words in your thoughts, you then say to yourself Cancel, cancel, cancel and then you affirm the opposite. For example you are studying to take a test for your math class and you catch yourself thinking, “this is hard or this is difficult” now is the perfect time to use the cancel, cancel, cancel technique and affirm the opposite. Here it is the affirmation, “Math is fun, math is simple, math is easy, and I love math.” This Cancel, Cancel, Cancel technique brings with it Great Miraculous Changes to all those who apply it and apply it daily in every negative thought. Here is another example; “Hey, you just cut me off, what are you doing, AHHHHHH!” Cancel, Cancel, Cancel, wow did that guy not see that I have a vehicle here in my lane?  Now affirm “Wow, What a great Swerve!” “Wow, what a great Swerve.”
You continue to use your awareness all day every day and become a master at asking yourself what is the opposite in this thought. What is the opposite in these words crossing my thoughts right now? The affirmation will overcome years of negative conditioning that most people are not even aware of. We just do things because we saw someone else do them and it could have been 20 years ago and we are still doing them! AHHH Stop! Right! You are acting a way because you learned to act that way from someone else that was not very aware! Right, get it? You may have been conditioning yourself using the wrong conditioning words! Now is the time to make the change and condition your mind and thoughts with better tools and use the cancel, cancel, cancel technique to overcome those old behaviors that are negative, destructive and holding you back.

Be the change in the world that you would like to see in the world. If you don't do it, who is going to do it? Do it! Right!
Any change can be fast, simple, fun, and easy with your new words and put into affirmations. These changes can be fast, simple, fun, and easy because of the awareness you hold in your mind to affirm your new words in any moment that you catch yourself doubting.

Monday, December 12, 2011

New Words, New Thoughts, Everyday Is Perfect for You! #2.wmv

Using Your Conscious Mind To Impress Your Subconscious Mind

Brady Lee

Using Your Conscious Mind To Impress Your Subconscious Mind #10 Using Your Conscious Mind To Impress Your Subconscious Mind Brady Lee

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Newt Gingrich Promises Not To Do To Mitt Romney What Mitt Romney Is Doing To Him

Newt Gingrich Promises Not To Do To Mitt Romney What Mitt Romney Is Doing To Him URBANDALE, IOWA — Newt Gingrich is turning the other cheek. Faced with a barrage of attacks from the Mitt Romney campaign in the lead up to Saturday night’s debate in Des Moines near here, the surging Gingrich told supporters at the grand opening of his first Iowa headquarters that he will not tolerate any negativity against his Republican opponents. “We will not engage in negative ads,” Gingrich said. “We’re not going to engage in tearing people down.” But in his professed plan to take the high road, of course, Gingrich is putting Romney directly in his sights. Rather than going with negative attack ads, Gingrich is choosing to push back at Romney with a little public shaming. The Romney operation started attacking Gingrich last week as he surged to the top of the polls here with less than a month to go before the Jan. 3 caucuses. In conference calls with reporters over the past several days, Romney surrogates have attacked Gingrich’s record on the Ryan Budget and hinted that the former House Speaker is just a little too out there to be the nominee. A Romney-aligned Super PAC has launched a scathing attack ad against Gingrich in Iowa, buying up huge swaths of airtime to tear the current front runner down. This is where the shaming comes in. Rather than respond directly to the attacks, or even attack Romney for running them, Gingrich promised to be the bigger person and see to it no one does the same thing to Romney on Gingrich’s behalf. “If anybody does go out and create any kind of super PAC using my name, if they run any negative ads, we will attack them and we will encourage people to give them no money,” Gingrich said. As for those surrogates Romney is rolling out to attack Gingrich daily, Gingrich said you’re not going to see any of that coming from his team, either. “None of my surrogates are going to be encouraged to go out and attack anybody,” Gingrich said. “We have lots of good positive things to talk about.” Will it work? Supporters at the Gingrich event seemed unconcerned that Gingrich was planning on letting Romney’s attacks go unanswered. “I think that’ll work for him,” Ron Mallard of West Des Moines told TPM. Being negative is “not in his personality” Mallard said of Gingrich, hastily adding, “well, not anymore.” Asked if it was dangerous to not respond to the blows coming his way from Romney, Doyce Lord, also of West Des Moines, said Gingrich is playing Romney exactly right. “I think [he’ll] come across as a gentleman,” she said.

Mitt Romney Offers To Bet Rick Perry 10k On Debate Stage

Mitt Romney Offers To Bet Rick Perry $10,000 On Debate Stage DES MOINES — This should play well to the 99% crowd: without skipping a beat at the Saturday night debate here, Mitt Romney held out his hand and offered to bet Rick Perry $10,000 that he didn’t change the health care text in his book.. In a throwback to debates from the late summer, Perry was attacking Romney over a claim that Romney changed the text his book, No Apology between hardback and softcover editions to delete a line about taking his Massachusetts health care plan to the whole country. Romney said the story was not true and bet Perry $10,000 Perry couldn’t prove it.

You're On, Mitt: Democrats Estatic Over Romney's $10k Bet

You’re On, Mitt: Democrats Ecstatic Over Romney’s $10K Bet Democrats could barely contain their glee after Mitt Romney proposed a $10,000 bet with Rick Perry over his health care position. “He’s going to own that $10,000 bet line,” DNC communications director Brad Woodhouse said on Twitter. “Nothing else he has said in this debate matters.” Before the debate ended, the DNC was out with an e-mail to reporters trying to put the $10,000 number into perspective, noting it was more than the average in-state tuition at a public university, for example. But it was Twitter where things really took off. DNC officials, starting with press secretary Melanie Roussell, began tweeting a #What10kbuys hashtag to amplify their message, with items like a year of daycare for the average family. Within less than a half hour of the debate’s end, it was one of the top trending topics not just in Iowa, or in the United States, but around the world, according to Twitter. “I’ll bet you ten thousand beers Mitt lives to regret that $10K bet line,” Democratic strategist Paul Begala tweeted. The episode recalled Romney’s “corporations are peopl You’re On, Mitt: Democrats Ecstatic Over Romney’s $10K Bet Democrats could barely contain their glee after Mitt Romney proposed a $10,000 bet with Rick Perry over his health care position. “He’s going to own that $10,000 bet line,” DNC communications director Brad Woodhouse said on Twitter. “Nothing else he has said in this debate matters.” Before the debate ended, the DNC was out with an e-mail to reporters trying to put the $10,000 number into perspective, noting it was more than the average in-state tuition at a public university, for example. But it was Twitter where things really took off. DNC officials, starting with press secretary Melanie Roussell, began tweeting a #What10kbuys hashtag to amplify their message, with items like a year of daycare for the average family. Within less than a half hour of the debate’s end, it was one of the top trending topics not just in Iowa, or in the United States, but around the world, according to Twitter. “I’ll bet you ten thousand beers Mitt lives to regret that $10K bet line,” Democratic strategist Paul Begala tweeted. The episode recalled Romney’s “corporations are people” moment at an Iowa event, which Democrats pounced on in similar fashion. Romney responded to that episode, which many observers interpreted as a gaffe at the time, by doubling down on the line and using it again on the trail and in his official economic plan. It appears they’re taking a similar tack this time as well. Romney spokesman, Eric Fehrnstrom, for his part, told TPM that he thought the line went over just fine, describing it as a “good moment” for the former Massachusetts governor. “It made Perry look weak,” he said, adding that Romney made the wager “because he knew Perry wouldn’t take it.” e” moment at an Iowa event, which Democrats pounced on in similar fashion. Romney responded to that episode, which many observers interpreted as a gaffe at the time, by doubling down on the line and using it again on the trail and in his official economic plan. It appears they’re taking a similar tack this time as well. Romney spokesman, Eric Fehrnstrom, for his part, told TPM that he thought the line went over just fine, describing it as a “good moment” for the former Massachusetts governor. “It made Perry look weak,” he said, adding that Romney made the wager “because he knew Perry wouldn’t take it.”

Rick Perry's Gay-Baiting Ad Rivals Justin Bieber In Youtube Hatred

Rick Perry’s Gay-Baiting Ad Rivals Justin Bieber In YouTube Hatred Rick Perry’s gay-baiting Iowa ad may have ruffled some feathers within his campaign, but it’s nothing compared to the outpouring of hatred it’s received on YouTube, which now rivals even viral video lightning rod Justin Bieber. A spokesman for YouTube tells TPM the video is the most viewed video in America today, as well as the top video in Des Moines, IA and Manchester, NH. But the reaction isn’t exactly positive. The Perry camp’s settings for the video enable users to “like” or “dislike” the spot and as of this afternoon viewers have given it 4,485 “likes” and 211,664 “dislikes.” That gives it a staggering approval rating of about 2.1% among those who care enough to cast a vote. To put this in perspective, let’s take a look at some of the other videos with similar levels of detractors. YouTube doesn’t let users search its videos by “most disliked” but there are unofficial counts on some tech blogs, like Justin Bieber makes up half the videos in their March 2011 estimate of the ten most “disliked” videos, including “Justin Bieber - Somebody To Love Remix ft. Usher” (146,000 dislikes currently), “Justin Bieber - One Less Lonely Girl” (118,000), and “Justin Bieber - Never Say Never ft. Jaden Smith” (209,000). Bieber’s video for “Baby,” which is also the most viewed video on YouTube of all time, does top Perry, however, with over 2 million “dislikes.” Perry is also doing better than Rebecca Black’s infamous “Friday” video, which had well over 1 million dislikes before it was removed from the site. The Perry video’s only been up two days, so there’s plenty of time for him to move his way up the list. Watch out, Bieber.

Rick Perry's Gay-Baiting Ad Rivals Justin Bieber In Youtube

Rick Perry’s Gay-Baiting Ad Rivals Justin Bieber In YouTube Hatred Rick Perry’s gay-baiting Iowa ad may have ruffled some feathers within his campaign, but it’s nothing compared to the outpouring of hatred it’s received on YouTube, which now rivals even viral video lightning rod Justin Bieber. A spokesman for YouTube tells TPM Rick Perry’s Gay-Baiting Ad Rivals Justin Bieber In YouTube Hatred Rick Perry’s gay-baiting Iowa ad may have ruffled some feathers within his campaign, but it’s nothing compared to the outpouring of hatred it’s received on YouTube, which now rivals even viral video lightning rod Justin Bieber. A spokesman for YouTube tells TPM the video is the most viewed video in America today, as well as the top video in Des Moines, IA and Manchester, NH. But the reaction isn’t exactly positive. The Perry camp’s settings for the video enable users to “like” or “dislike” the spot and as of this afternoon viewers have given it 4,485 “likes” and 211,664 “dislikes.” That gives it a staggering approval rating of about 2.1% among those who care enough to cast a vote. To put this in perspective, let’s take a look at some of the other videos with similar levels of detractors. YouTube doesn’t let users search its videos by “most disliked” but there are unofficial counts on some tech blogs, like Justin Bieber makes up half the videos in their March 2011 estimate of the ten most “disliked” videos, including “Justin Bieber - Somebody To Love Remix ft. Usher” (146,000 dislikes currently), “Justin Bieber - One Less Lonely Girl” (118,000), and “Justin Bieber - Never Say Never ft. Jaden Smith” (209,000). Bieber’s video for “Baby,” which is also the most viewed video on YouTube of all time, does top Perry, however, with over 2 million “dislikes.” Perry is also doing better than Rebecca Black’s infamous “Friday” video, which had well over 1 million dislikes before it was removed from the site. The Perry video’s only been up two days, so there’s plenty of time for him to move his way up the list. Watch out, Bieber. the video is the most viewed video in America today, as well as the top video in Des Moines, IA and Manchester, NH. But the reaction isn’t exactly positive. The Perry camp’s settings for the video enable users to “like” or “dislike” the spot and as of this afternoon viewers have given it 4,485 “likes” and 211,664 “dislikes.” That gives it a staggering approval rating of about 2.1% among those who care enough to cast a vote. To put this in perspective, let’s take a look at some of the other videos with similar levels of detractors. YouTube doesn’t let users search its videos by “most disliked” but there are unofficial counts on some tech blogs, like Justin Bieber makes up half the videos in their March 2011 estimate of the ten most “disliked” videos, including “Justin Bieber - Somebody To Love Remix ft. Usher” (146,000 dislikes currently), “Justin Bieber - One Less Lonely Girl” (118,000), and “Justin Bieber - Never Say Never ft. Jaden Smith” (209,000). Bieber’s video for “Baby,” which is also the most viewed video on YouTube of all time, does top Perry, however, with over 2 million “dislikes.” Perry is also doing better than Rebecca Black’s infamous “Friday” video, which had well over 1 million dislikes before it was removed from the site. The Perry video’s only been up for a few days, so there’s plenty of time for him to move his way up the list. Watch out, Bieber. .

2012 Youtube Changes, Turn Frustrations into Fascinations

Regularly Scheduled Programming Coming To YouTube In 2012 YouTube has big plans for 2012. According to The Wall Street Journal, they’ll be getting into the regularly scheduled programming biz, launching at least a dozen new curated channels with regularly scheduled content spanning themes from fashion to sports and everything in between. And we’re not talking channels of home videos and funny cat clips—we’re talking high-quality, professional content designed to draw viewers away from the televisions and onto YouTube. According to Digital TV Europe, “YouTube is reportedly in the process of finalizing deals with major Hollywood studios and other international content providers to launch online channels on its platform.” While the new scheduled channels are rumored to be launching in 2012, Digital TV Europe reports that some of the content for the channels will be ready by the end of November. Rumors have been flying about YouTube’s plans to launch longer-form, more professional content ever since they acquired Next New Networks earlier this year and it looks like the rumors are finally panning out. Top YouTube partners have stressed the importance of sticking to a schedule when it comes to posting YouTube videos. When you post new content at the same time every week, it keeps your fans coming back. With fully scheduled channels, YouTube is set to take advantage of this same strategy. Can you imagine yourself tuning in to YouTube at a regularly scheduled time each week for new content? Do you think YouTube has the potential to attract a regular audience like that of television networks? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.

Self Help-Personal Growth #7 Brady Lee + Love, Dreams and Consciousness

Love, Dreams and Consciousness

Using Your Conscious Mind To Impress Your Subconscious Mind #2

Using Your Conscious Mind To Impress Your Subconscious Mind

Brady Lee

Using Your Conscious Mind To Impress Your Subconscious Mind #1

Using Your Conscious Mind To Impress Your Subconscious Mind

Brady Lee