Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Shit Girls Say - Episode 1 and The Bad News, Crises and Fear! Life Coach

After reading some of the news headlines for about 30 minutes, the thought came across my mind that the news media loves Crises and Fear! 99% of the stories they cover are ones that produce thoughts that lead to a negative emotion. Once your negative emotional pain body is activated, you read from one bad news to the next bad news.  As you read your negative emotions get stronger and stronger and the feeling grows with the negative words that you are reading.   The News/Media should be Called THE BAD NEWS.  What I’m teaching and sharing is the GOOD NEWS! There is good news you just have to start to choose to look for it, read it, think about it and then live a life full of good news.

Words! Your words will create you or your words will destroy you! Treat yourself like you would treat your young precious child. Use the same internal dialog and say the same loving kind words to yourself that you would say to your most dear babies. 

This is what I know; your words bring to you the exact thing that you speak. Become more and more aware of your words and choose them carefully.  Become more and more aware of your internal dialog, the words in your thoughts and begin to make them all work together for your good. When you catch yourself with a negative word or negative thought use the cancel, cancel, and cancel technique.

This technique was taught to me and it works extremely well if you are aware of it and apply it in the moment. As you catch the words in your thoughts, you then say to yourself Cancel, cancel, cancel and then you affirm the opposite. For example you are studying to take a test for your math class and you catch yourself thinking, “this is hard or this is difficult” now is the perfect time to use the cancel, cancel, cancel technique and affirm the opposite. Here it is the affirmation, “Math is fun, math is simple, math is easy, and I love math.” This Cancel, Cancel, Cancel technique brings with it Great Miraculous Changes to all those who apply it and apply it daily in every negative thought. Here is another example; “Hey, you just cut me off, what are you doing, AHHHHHH!” Cancel, Cancel, Cancel, wow did that guy not see that I have a vehicle here in my lane?  Now affirm “Wow, What a great Swerve!” “Wow, what a great Swerve.”
You continue to use your awareness all day every day and become a master at asking yourself what is the opposite in this thought. What is the opposite in these words crossing my thoughts right now? The affirmation will overcome years of negative conditioning that most people are not even aware of. We just do things because we saw someone else do them and it could have been 20 years ago and we are still doing them! AHHH Stop! Right! You are acting a way because you learned to act that way from someone else that was not very aware! Right, get it? You may have been conditioning yourself using the wrong conditioning words! Now is the time to make the change and condition your mind and thoughts with better tools and use the cancel, cancel, cancel technique to overcome those old behaviors that are negative, destructive and holding you back.

Be the change in the world that you would like to see in the world. If you don't do it, who is going to do it? Do it! Right!
Any change can be fast, simple, fun, and easy with your new words and put into affirmations. These changes can be fast, simple, fun, and easy because of the awareness you hold in your mind to affirm your new words in any moment that you catch yourself doubting.

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