Thursday, December 15, 2011

THE TROLL RETURNS - Ray William Johnson video and Brady Lee Tool

Emotions come from thoughts that came from experience- let go and come to a new found understanding of your emotional life. Emotions are like thoughts; they are back and forth form positive to negative all day long every day until you are aware of this. This new awareness now gives you the power to recognize your emotional sate. Each moment though out your day you can continuously work on getting the emotion over to the positive side by consciously observing your thoughts.

Awareness, ask yourself how am I feeling right now and then you'll know if you can work on your thoughts causing any such positive or negative feeling. All feelings come from your thoughts. 
I did this exercise and I can see that many of you can benefit greatly for doing it so here it is:
Take out a sheet of paper.
Write down on the left side all the negative emotions you have felt in the last week.
Next, write down on the right side all the positive emotions you have felt in the past week.
If you are like the majority and me, the list on the left was long and filled with all kinds of creative negative emotions put into words.  Then over on the right there were 4 or 5 of the positive emotion that have been felt and experienced over the last week, AHH, now we see why the emotional state is mostly negative because 4 or 5 good freaking feelings in a week is total unawareness and total loss of control of ones thinking and emotional state.  Now to finish the exercise go ahead and write all the positive emotions you can think off and then go and find new positive emotion words so that our focus and awareness will begin to open to more and more positive emotions, that are just as abundant as the opposite. We truly get what we are focused on.
Here is a few: try these: try all of these every day and do them today!
Amazing |Awesome| Fantastic| Incredible |Champion |Fabulous| Beautiful| Fascination| Super Star| Rock Star| Nice Job| Good Work| Wahoo| Gorgeous| Healthy | Young |Glamorous| Yeah Buddy | Leader|  Yes I Can| Easy | Relaxed | Simple | Fun | Fast | Good | Great | Better | Best | Blissfully       
The more aware you become of your emotional state and except and totally own the idea that you create your happiness, you create your emotional world, and you create each of your experience shaped by the emotions you are letting yourself feel. Let go of the past and the way you felt about people, things, or experiences because you created those experiences and emotional around them totally unaware of how you were using you own thoughts and emotions. You can choose to replay your memories with your new awareness and see how you failed in using your emotional control by becoming aware of it.

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