Thursday, December 15, 2011

YouTube Challenge - I Gave My Kids a Terrible Present and Brady Lee - Everything is not a Miracle

You are alive and it is a magical miracle taking place right before our very eyes just to be alive and for you to be reading these very words. Think about the miracle taking place just for you to read these words and take them in and somehow you understand what I am talking about. 
You see with your eyes this page with alphabetical characters on it that you have been trained in making words from the different sounds of these alphabetical characters.  Conditioned in from an early age, so you now see those with your eyes and you make words that have relation to all the other linguistic representations that you have been storing in your mind as memories.  In words on it and because you are trained and conditioned to comprehend the characters of the alphabet you can and are able to make meaning out of the complied alphabet characters that I have typed here for your eyes. Take them in and the miracle takes place in your brain to attach meaning.   

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